Grade 5
48 Units, 129 Skills
Data and Graphs - Practice
Unit 1
Geometry - Angle Basics
Unit 2
Coin Math - Multiplication Practice
Unit 3
Number Sense - Advanced
Unit 4
Geometry - Shape Classification (2D) - Practice
Unit 5
Numbers and Words - to Millions and Thousandths
Unit 6
Long Division - Practice
Unit 7
Multiplication - Times Table to 13 - Practice
Unit 8
Fractions, Equivalent - Practice
Unit 9
Decimal Foundations - Advanced
Unit 10
Time - Elapsed Time - Basics
Unit 11
Place Value and Rounding - To Millions and Thousandths
Unit 12
Cartesian Grid Foundations
Unit 13
Factoring and Primes - Intro
Unit 14
Division 2 by 1 Digit
Unit 15
Fractions - Mixed - Practice
Unit 16
Multiplication - 1 and 2 Digit - Practice
Unit 17
Decimal Addition and Subtraction - Intro
Unit 18
Area Intro
Unit 19
Divisibility Rules - Intro
Unit 20
Geometry - Circle Concepts - Intro
Unit 21
Exponents - Intro
Unit 22
Order of Operations - Intro
Unit 23
Area and Perimeter Basic Shapes
Unit 24
Probability and Statistics - Mean, Median, and Mode - Intro
Unit 25
Geometry - Shape Classification (2D) - Advanced
Unit 26
Patterning - Number Patterns Intro
Unit 27
Geometry - Angles and Transformations - Intro
Unit 28
Data and Graphs - Advanced
Unit 29
Probability and Counting - Single Event - Intro
Unit 30
Geometry - Shape Classification (3D) - Intro
Unit 31
Speed, Distance, and Time - Intro
Unit 32
Rates and Ratios - Intro
Unit 33
Factoring and Primes - Practice
Unit 34
Fraction Addition and Subtraction - Intro
Unit 35
Triangle Area - Intro
Unit 36
Decimal Addition and Subtraction - Practice
Unit 37
Cartesian Grid Basics - Intro
Unit 38
Time - Elapsed Time - Intro
Unit 39
Squares and Square Roots - Intro
Unit 40
Decimal Multiplication - Intro
Unit 41
Multiplication - 2 Digit
Unit 42
Time - Elapsed Time, Negative - Intro
Unit 43
Decimal Division - Intro
Unit 44
Factoring and Venn Factor Diagrams - Intro
Unit 45
Fraction Comparing - Intro
Unit 46
Division 3 by 1 Digit
Unit 47
Geometry - Circle Circumference - Intro
Unit 48
Strengthens skills in working with fractions and decimals, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Introduces volume, explores more complex geometrical shapes, and begins basic algebraic thinking with simple expressions and equations. Emphasizes problem-solving and critical thinking.
This math unit introduces students to the interpretation and analysis of bar graphs, advancing from simple to more complex data representations. Initially, students start by interpreting single-bar graphs to identify minimum values, calculate totals and sums, and determine differences between two categories. The unit progresses towards comparing data points directly to see which is more popular or identifying matched popularity. As students become adept at extracting information from single-bar graphs, the unit transitions to double-bar graphs, which present comparative data sets side by side. With the introduction of double-bar graphs, students focus on reading and comparing specific values across two categories, such as preferences between boys and girls for various sports or pets. They learn to identify the minimum and maximum values within these comparisons, understand categorical distinctions, and perform basic arithmetic operations, like summing and calculating differences between the categories represented. Each worksheet progressively builds upon the previous, enhancing students' abilities to analyze complex data and interpret various types of graphical information, preparing them for advanced data handling and decision-making based on visual data representations.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit develops students' understanding and estimation skills concerning angles, progressing from basic identification to complex calculations involving geometric figures. Initially, the unit introduces students to the fundamental categories of angles: acute, obtuse, right, and straight. It then focuses on enhancing students' ability to visually identify and classify these angles through various exercises, including multiple choice and true/false formats. As the unit progresses, the focus shifts toward the essential skill of estimating angles. It starts with basic visual estimations in degrees and gradually moves towards more challenging tasks that require students to estimate and identify angles by comparing them to given reference angles or common angle measures. Toward the end of the unit, learners apply their estimation skills along with basic arithmetic operations to solve problems involving complementary angles. They perform calculations to find the remainder of angles that together equal 90 degrees in one scenario and 180 degrees in another, linking their geometric knowledge to practical problem-solving in intersecting, parallel, and perpendicular line contexts.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit focuses on coin arithmetic skills, progressing from simple to more complex tasks involving various U.S. coin denominations. Initially, students learn to calculate the total value of single-type coin piles, starting with nickels and gradually incorporating pennies and nickels. The exercises then advance to combinations including nickels, dimes, and by the end include quarters, challenging students with a broader range of coin types. Each section builds on the previous one by increasing the complexity of the coin combinations and introducing the concept of adding multiple coin types, reinforcing both counting and basic multiplication skills. The unit teaches students to recognize different coin values and apply arithmetic operations, such as addition and multiplication, encouraging practical applications and enhancing fluency in handling real-world currency scenarios. Through continuous practice, students develop proficiency in identifying coin values, computing total monetary amounts, and understanding basic money management.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit starts with foundational concepts in place value, initially focusing on converting numbers from expanded word form to normal numerical form with three-digit numbers. Learners then progress to rounding skills, beginning with rounding whole numbers to the nearest hundred, and advancing to rounding to the nearest ten. The unit then introduces skip counting, both upwards and downwards, enhancing numerical fluency and preparing students for basic operations with integers. As the unit progresses, it delves deeper into decimal numbers, exploring place value and rounding for decimals, and further practicing the conversion between word forms and numeric formats. The unit also incorporates exercises using Base 10 blocks to visualize hundreds, tens, and ones, reinforcing understanding of numerical values and place value. Finally, the unit expands into interpreting and converting larger and more complex numbers from words to numbers, emphasizing the skills needed to handle and interpret numbers up to millions and powers of ten. This progression builds a comprehensive understanding of number manipulation, place value, and numerical expressions.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins with foundational geometry concepts, starting with identifying parts of a circle and understanding line relationships as parallel, intersecting, or perpendicular. Progressively, it introduces the classification of angles by type—acute, obtuse, right, and specific angles like 90, 180, and 270 degrees, building a groundwork for comprehending more complex geometric shapes. The unit then delves into classifying triangles by both sides and angles and extends to broader classifications covering various polygons based on the number of sides and distinguishing between regular and irregular polygons. Further, it explores quadrilateral types, enhancing recognition and understanding of more specific shapes. The unit circles back to circle geometry by practicing calculations that involve deriving the radius from the diameter. Lastly, it applies polygon classification knowledge in a practical setting by helping learners identify specific quadrilaterals, such as parallelograms, based on visual properties. This math unit emphasizes a gradual escalation from basic geometrical definitions to complex shape classifications and practical applications.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit progresses from fundamental to advanced skills in understanding and converting between numerical and word forms of numbers. Initially, it introduces learners to basic conversions of large numbers from numeric to word form, specifically focusing on powers of ten up to tens of thousands. As the unit progresses, it extends this skill to include millions and incorporates decimal numbers, gradually increasing in complexity from thousandths to hundred-thousandths. Students practice both directions of conversion, from words to numbers and vice versa, across a variety of contexts and number structures, including whole numbers, decimals, and mixed numbers. The unit culminates in advanced exercises that challenge students to precisely interpret and convert more complex numerical word forms involving large numbers and detailed decimal places, ensuring a deep understanding of place value and the ability to navigate between different representations of numbers accurately.
Skills you will learn include:
Mobius units are made up of many related topics that share a common theme and set of skills. Each topic builds the skills needed by the next topic, heading towards a common goal of understanding one area of mathematics.
This unit focuses on practicing the basic concepts of long division up to two steps, and will teach the following skills:
Mobius units are made up of many related topics that share a common theme and set of skills. Each topic builds the skills needed by the next topic, heading towards a common goal of understanding one area of mathematics.
This unit focuses on understanding multiplication times table up to thirteen, and will teach the following skills:
Mobius units are made up of many related topics that share a common theme and set of skills. Each topic builds the skills needed by the next topic, heading towards a common goal of understanding one area of mathematics.
This unit focuses on understanding the meaning of equivalent fractions and being able to create equivalent fractions, and will teach the following skills:
Mobius units are made up of many related topics that share a common theme and set of skills. Each topic builds the skills needed by the next topic, heading towards a common goal of understanding one area of mathematics.
This unit focuses on mastering the meaning of decimals including hundredths and tenths, and will teach the following skills:
This math unit begins with students learning to tell time from analog clocks and express it in words for quarter-hour intervals, enhancing their ability to recognize different clock positions. Next, the unit progresses to calculating elapsed time by teaching students to add and subtract hours from a given time and predict future or past times based on that calculation, using full hours and half-hour increments. The initial focus on adding times provides a foundational understanding, which is then expanded to include more complex scenarios involving quarter-hour and five-minute calculations. Towards the end of the unit, students are introduced to the concept of negative elapsed time, which involves subtracting time to find out how much earlier one time is compared to another. This introduces a higher level of difficulty as students learn to manage and calculate backward time changes effectively, rounding out their skills in both positive and negative time calculations.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins by reinforcing the fundamentals of place value, starting with identifying the value of individual digits within various numbers, both large and small. Students learn to discern the worth of digits in decimal and whole number settings, becoming adept at recognizing units from thousands to hundredths. Progressing through the unit, learners delve deeper into decimals by comparing decimal numbers and converting numbers between normal and expanded forms, both numerically and in word format. Building on this foundation, the unit advances to include more complex activities such as understanding and expressing decimal place values up to ten-thousandths. Toward the latter part of the unit, exercises focus on extending place value understanding to millions, both in numeric and written word forms, and solving placement challenges to form multi-digit numbers. Overall, the unit equips students with a robust understanding of place values, enhancing their numerical comprehension across a spectrum of math-related concepts.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit progressively develops students' understanding of Cartesian coordinates, starting with basic recognition of axes and advancing to more complex applications. Initially, learners familiarize themselves with the Cartesian plane by identifying the X and Y axes and understanding the naming and positioning along these axes. As they progress, students practice pinpointing the x and y coordinates of points using number lines embedded within the grids. They move on to interpret the meaning of given coordinates, discerning whether values represent the x or y coordinate and if they are positive or negative. Subsequently, learners engage in exercises that involve identifying complete sets of coordinates when given one coordinate, enhancing their ability to deduce missing information from graphical representations. Challenges increase as they learn to deduce coordinates without explicit indicators, relying solely on grid positioning. The unit culminates in students being able to interpret and reverse engineer points and coordinates on Cartesian grids, solidifying their capability to navigate and utilize the Cartesian coordinate system effectively in various mathematical contexts.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit advances students' understanding of prime factorization, beginning with foundational skills in identifying and using factor trees and progressing to express factorizations using exponents. Initially, students practice prime factorization with basic two-factor trees, identifying pairs of factors that result in the target number. They then move on to complete similar exercises with increasing complexity, involving up to five factors in the factor trees. This sequential approach helps solidify the understanding of prime factors in a multipartite context. Towards the latter part of the unit, the focus shifts towards expressing numbers as products of prime factors using exponents, enhancing students' ability to succinctly represent and manipulate numbers in factorized form. Finally, the unit culminates with exercises designed to identify prime and composite numbers, solidifying the foundational understanding of the properties of numbers and their classifications as prime or composite, thereby rounding out their skills in factorization and number theory.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins with understanding basic division concepts—starting with simple division problems without remainders using integers presented as fractions or equations. It initially focuses on dividing two-digit numbers by a one-digit number to build a strong foundation in evenly divisible numbers. As the unit progresses, it incorporates multiplication concepts and challenges, enabling students to find missing values and further strengthen their understanding of arithmetic relationships. The unit advances by dealing with division by specific numbers and identifying missing values in reverse multiplication scenarios, enhancing problem-solving skills and basic algebraic reasoning. Following this, the unit introduces division with remainders, starting with visual aids to help students envision and calculate remainders, then moving to division equations that include remainder calculations, further refining their skills. Eventually, the unit progresses to more complex division operations, exploring decimal quotients in both short and long division formats, enabling students to perform and understand divisions that result in decimals. It concludes with exercises connecting multiplication and division facts within specified fact families, solidifying an interconnected understanding of these operations.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins by developing students' skills in interpreting and estimating the positions of improper fractions on a number line. Then, it progressively builds on abilities to convert between improper fractions, mixed numbers, and whole numbers, starting with visual representations and moving towards handling more abstract numerical problems. The unit focuses heavily on converting fractions among different formats and understanding the foundational concepts behind these transformations. As the unit advances, there is a significant emphasis on comparing fractions, initially by simplifying problems to a common denominator and later involving mixed numbers and different denominators. These comparisons aim to solidify students' understanding of relational operations among fractions. Lastly, the unit introduces operations on equivalent fractions involving powers of ten, aiming to deepen comprehension of fraction relationships and scaling, essential for advanced fraction operations and application scenarios. Overall, the unit covers a comprehensive progression from basic to more complex fraction operations and comparisons.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit progresses through various multiplication skills, starting with basic visualization techniques in moving from models to equations using both 1 and 2-digit numbers. It then shifts focus towards enhancing fluency in single-digit multiplications and later introduces multiplication involving the number 12 and 17 for robust times table practice. As the unit progresses, there is an emphasis on multiplying whole numbers, both by breaking down 2-digit numbers for simplified computation and utilizing column formats for accuracy. Towards the end, students tackle more complex multiplications involving tens, hundreds, and thousands, building up to handling multiplication problems that require determining missing values. This advanced practice consolidates a thorough understanding of multiplication across different scales, essential for proficient problem-solving in math. Each step of the unit is crafted to build upon previous skills, leading to a comprehensive mastery of multiplication.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit focuses on developing students' proficiency with decimal numbers, starting with comparing decimals up to the hundredths and advancing to the thousandths place. Initially, the unit introduces the comparison of decimals, providing a foundation for understanding their relative values. It then progresses into arithmetic operations, starting with addition of decimals to the hundredths, first in column format and then in standard formats, reinforcing accuracy and fluency in handling decimal sums. The unit escalates to adding decimals up to the thousandths, increasing the complexity and precision needed in calculations. Following addition, subtraction of decimals is introduced, initially at the hundredths place and advancing to the thousandths, enhancing students' ability to handle smaller decimal values accurately in subtraction. The unit closes by returning to decimal comparisons, now at the thousandths place, which solidifies students' understanding of decimal values in both isolation and operational contexts, bridging foundational skills with more complex decimal manipulations.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit initiates with basic principles of measuring area, starting with the calculations for rectangles. It transitions from understanding how to determine the area in standard units to approaching the same concept using various measurement units like square centimeters and square kilometers. The unit progresses to more complex shapes, teaching the area of irregular shapes on grids and advancing to rectangles that match specified areas. It further explores geometric concepts through the area calculations of different types of triangles and parallelograms, working from simpler forms within given shapes like rectangles, and then advancing to more complex tasks directly calculating their areas. Toward the end of the unit, students tackle calculating the area of trapezoids, understanding the area by integrating the concepts of averaging uneven sides and height with base calculations, emphasizing practical application and reinforcing comprehensive geometric estimation and area calculation skills across multiple shapes and contexts.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins with practice on basic divisibility rules, where students learn to determine if one number is divisible by another. The unit explores these rules through various difficulty levels, progressively increasing the depth of understanding required. Initially, the focus is on simple yes/no applications of divisibility, using different conditions to familiarize students with the concept in straightforward scenarios. The difficulty level then advances with medium complexity tasks that require a deeper comprehension of divisibility rules. As the unit progresses, students delve into prime factorization—distinguishing whether a number is a factor of other numbers by analyzing their prime factors in both values and variables. This segment of the unit emphasizes understanding the factorization, identification of common factors, and engagement with the greatest common factor (GCF). It culminates with targeted practice on determining if integers are common factors of pairs of numbers, consolidating students' skills in prime factorization, and providing a foundational understanding of factor relations vital for higher-level mathematics.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins with an introduction to the basic components of a circle, such as the diameter, radius, circumference, and center. As students progress, they delve deeper into geometry by naming additional parts including the chord, tangent, arc, sector, and segment. The unit then shifts focus to the mathematical constant pi, exploring its representation as both a Greek letter and its numerical value in relation to circles. Further along, the unit emphasizes applying simple geometric rules to calculate the diameter from a given radius and vice versa, reinforcing the relationship between these two measurements. Students practice these calculations through multiple problems, solidifying their understanding that the diameter is twice the radius and the radius is half the diameter. By the unit's conclusion, learners are adept at utilizing the circle's radius or diameter to solve problems, accurately employing the formula related to pi for circle measurements, which strengthens their grasp on 2-dimensional geometry concepts, especially pertaining to circles.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins with an introduction to exponents, using visual aids to help students understand and represent numbers in exponent form, like squares and cubes, up to the power of three. Initially, exercises focus on converting images to exponent expressions and understanding the basic notion of exponents through simple squaring and cubing. As students progress, they engage in recognizing and converting exponent expressions into standard or expanded numerical form to understand repeated multiplication concepts clearly. The latter part of the unit advances into solving direct exponent calculations, involving bracketed expressions that require adherence to the order of operations. Additionally, this progression leads to solving more complex problems where students calculate the powers directly, handling various base numbers and powers. The culmination of learning is evident as students tackle square equations, enhancing their ability to solve quadratic equations by finding variable values, solidifying a deeper comprehension and application of exponent rules within mathematical expressions.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit introduces and develops the foundational skills of the order of operations in arithmetic. It begins by familiarizing students with the basic rules of prioritizing multiplication over addition and subtraction. As the unit progresses, it incorporates the correct application of these operations within expressions containing brackets, reinforcing the principle that calculations inside parentheses take precedence. Students are also exposed to equations requiring decisions among all basic operations without parentheses, starting with simpler problems and gradually adding complexity by including division. The unit further elaborates on how to systematically address expressions with parentheses involving all basic operations—addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division—across various problem setups. This step-by-step progression solidifies students' understanding of operational precedence, crucial for solving complex arithmetic and preparing for algebraic problem-solving.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins by introducing and practicing perimeter calculation, first with rectangles and progressing through various shapes including triangles, parallelograms, kites, and trapezoids. Initially, students learn to compute perimeters using visual diagrams and multiple-choice answers, allowing them to develop and strengthen their understanding of measuring linear boundaries in diverse scenarios like gardens or parks. As the unit progresses, the focus shifts towards more complex shapes and tasks, such as calculating perimeters on grids and handling different units of measurement, further enhancing students' spatial visualization and practical measurement skills. Towards the latter part of the unit, the emphasis transitions to area calculation, starting with parallelograms and trapezoids, and evolving to include right and non-right triangles on grids. This requires students to apply previously learned concepts in perimeter to understand and compute areas, using methods such as grid counting or decomposition into simpler shapes. By concluding with the task of finding the area of non-right triangles through visual manipulation of rectangles, the unit builds a comprehensive foundation in both perimeter and area calculations, crucial for practical applications in geometry.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit introduces students to the core concepts of statistics including mean, median, mode, and range using a progression of skills that starts with visual and conceptual understanding and advances to computation and application. Initially, students learn to calculate the mean, median, and range by analyzing visual representations—shapes in images—to grasp these statistical concepts fundamentally. As the unit progresses, the focus shifts from understanding statistics through pictures to solving problems that involve direct computation using formulas and equations. Students practice determining statistical measures from given numerical data sets, emphasizing the distinction between different measures like mode (most frequent), median (middle value), median (average), and range (difference between largest and smallest numbers). This progression from visual interpretation to calculation enhances students’ abilities to analyze and interpret data, providing a thorough introductory understanding of basic statistics.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins by introducing students to the basics of polygon classification, first by the number of sides and then by the regularity or irregularity of their shapes. It progresses into more specific properties of circles, reinforcing the relationship between diameter and radius through practical problems. As the unit advances, students further explore the geometry of quadrilaterals, identifying specific types like kites and rhombuses based on visual properties. Subsequently, the unit shifts focus to angles, starting with the classification of angles as acute, obtuse, right, or straight, and then moving to exact angle measures such as 90, 180, or 270 degrees. This foundation supports the next part of the unit, which delves into triangle classification by angles, providing various exercises to identify triangle types based on angle measurements. The unit then builds on this by introducing classification of triangles based on side lengths, distinguishing between isosceles, scalene, and other types of triangles. The progression culminates in a deeper understanding of how to analyze and categorize shapes based on both angles and side lengths, providing a comprehensive geometry unit.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins with the development of skills in identifying and completing simple repeating number patterns and progresses to more complex arithmetic and place value patterns. Initially, students focus on recognizing and filling missing numbers in short, repeating sequences. As the unit progresses, the complexity of patterns increases from two-item to four-item sequences, advancing to predicting the next number in a sequence based on established patterns. The exercises then move onto identifying and completing increasing arithmetic number patterns, fostering a deeper understanding of sequences that have consistent intervals between terms. Towards the end of the unit, the focus shifts to more specialized skills in number sequences involving specific terms, the starting points of sequences, and determining algebraic expressions that define relationships within arithmetic sequences. Overall, this unit enhances pattern recognition, logical reasoning, and a foundational grasp of arithmetic progression and sequence formulations.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit guides learners through a sequence of geometric concepts focused on the understanding and manipulation of angles. Initially, students compare and identify different types of angles using diagrams, enhancing spatial reasoning. As they progress, they estimate angles based on references, building a strong foundational skill in visual estimation and the basics of geometry. The unit then challenges students to apply their knowledge by finding missing angles in triangles and parallelograms, involving algebraic thinking and understanding geometrical properties. Further exercises have students identify missing angles within kites—a slightly more complex application requiring an understanding of the specific properties of different quadrilaterals. The unit culminates in mastering transformations with a focus on rotational symmetry, thus rounding out their skills in identifying and analyzing geometric transformations. This progressive development from basic angle recognition to applying these concepts in various geometrical contexts and transformations represents a comprehensive geometry learning pathway.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins with foundational skills in interpreting double bar graphs by reading specific values and identifying categories. It gradually advances to analyzing comparative data to determine maximum, minimum, total, and specific differences within the data sets presented in the graphs. Learners practice identifying trends such as the least common or most popular categories and calculating the sum and difference of values from the data presented. As the unit progresses, students delve into more complex operations, including summing up totals, finding differences at specific points, and calculating averages. The unit emphasizes critical thinking and analytical skills as students interpret and extract meaningful conclusions from graphical data sets pertaining to everyday contexts like weather patterns and production quantities. The progression from basic interpretation to complex data operations prepares students to effectively handle and analyze statistical information, which is crucial in real-world decision-making and data literacy.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit focuses on building foundational skills in probability and statistics, starting with simple events and evolving into more complex probability calculations expressed in different formats. Initially, students learn to compute probabilities in fraction form by selecting specific outcomes from defined sets involving coins, dice, and shapes of different colors. As they progress, they transition to expressing these probabilities as percentages, enhancing their understanding of numerical conversion and representation. Later in the unit, the problems become more elaborate, involving cards and spinners where they calculate probabilities for specific draws or outcomes, transitioning from computing probabilities in fractions to decimals and then to percentages. This progression not only deepens their understanding of basic probability concepts but also introduces them to a variety of practical scenarios, enabling them to visualize and manipulate statistical data effectively.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins with an exploration of 3D shapes, guiding students from basic identification to a deeper understanding of their geometric properties. Initially, the unit introduces both complex and simple three-dimensional shapes, emphasizing the ability to recognize and name various forms, such as cones, spheres, prisms, pyramids, cylinders, and cubes. Consequently, the focus shifts to more specialized knowledge such as counting the specific features of these shapes—edges, vertices, and faces. Students practice identifying these elements, first directly through visual representation and later by associating given numbers with the correct shape. As the unit progresses, it delves into the classification of shapes into categories like prisms and pyramids, building on the foundational identification skills previously developed. Towards the end, the unit takes a practical turn by connecting theoretical knowledge with real-world applications through the study of nets. Students learn how 2D shapes combine to form 3D figures, reinforcing their understanding of shape properties and spatial visualization. This progression from basic recognition to detailed geometric analysis fosters a comprehensive understanding of three-dimensional geometry.
Skills you will learn include:
In this math unit, students progress through a series of increasingly complex skills related to the relationship between speed, distance, and time, primarily utilizing consistent units. The unit begins by reinforcing basic multiplicative relationships within fact families before delving into speed-related calculations. Early topics focus on graphical representations and basic formulas to identify the relationships between time, speed, and distance. As students advance, they practice calculating time given speed and distance, speed from distance and time, and distance from speed and time, applying these concepts across various real-world contexts and units of measurement (e.g., kilometers per hour, meters per second). Further complexity is introduced through problems that require comparing speeds, distances, and times to determine faster speeds, longer distances, and shorter times among different scenarios. Towards the unit's end, students engage in variable and unit manipulation within mathematical expressions and formulae, enhancing their ability to interpret and rearrange equations commonly-used in physics and other applied sciences. This comprehensive approach builds a strong foundation in understanding and applying the fundamental principles governing motion and travel.
Skills you will learn include:
In this math unit, students progressively develop a robust understanding of ratios and unit rates, starting with foundational skills and advancing to practical applications. Initially, the unit introduces students to basic ratio concepts, helping them identify, calculate, and simplify ratios using visual aids and simple numerical values. As students become more familiar with ratios, they learn to calculate total and individual values from given ratios, applying these skills to real-world contexts like determining amounts based on relationships between items. Later, the unit transitions into more complex applications involving unit rates, guiding students through the process of calculating unit prices and rates from total quantities, costs, and practical scenarios such as shopping decisions and work-related calculations. The focus shifts from simple ratio simplification to finding the best economic choices and manipulating decimals in ratios, culminating in a comprehensive understanding of how to analyze and apply proportional relationships effectively. This progression ensures students are well-equipped to handle real-world proportions and rate calculations.
Skills you will learn include:
In this math unit, students begin by learning and reinforcing skills in prime factorization, starting with basic factor trees involving three factors and progressing to more complex exercises. They use factor trees to break down numbers into prime factors by identifying missing elements, calculating possible combinations, and explaining their multiplicative relationships. Exercises gradually increase in complexity by introducing factor trees with up to four factors and demanding explanations for sections of the trees. As the unit progresses, students practice expressing these factorizations using exponents, further developing their understanding of numerical properties and relationships. Towards the end of the unit, the focus shifts to identifying prime numbers through direct comparison and assessments on whether given numbers are prime or composite. This structure reinforces their ability to distinguish between prime and composite numbers, a foundational skill crucial for advanced mathematical concepts in number theory. The culmination of these topics prepares students effectively in handling prime factorization, manipulation of exponents, and number classification, paving the way for more in-depth mathematical exploration.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins by introducing learners to basic fraction addition and subtraction using fractions with like denominators, focusing initially on operations that do not require simplifying the results. As students progress, they are introduced to scenarios with one changed denominator, enhancing their ability to handle fractions with different denominators. Subsequently, the exercises gradually incorporate required simplifications of results, both in addition and subtraction problems, escalating in complexity to include missing values and mixed numbers. The unit aims to develop fundamental fraction skills starting from simple additions and subtractions, moving towards more complex operations, such as finding missing values and working with mixed numbers. By the end of the unit, students are also expected to competently manage fractional operations up to rounding fractions to the nearest whole number, reinforcing a comprehensive understanding of fraction operations in varying contexts and complexities.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit progresses from introducing the basic concepts of calculating the area of right triangles, using visualization of these shapes on grids and as halves of rectangles, to extending the skills to other types of triangles such as non-right, obtuse, and acute triangles. Early in the unit, learners encounter foundational tasks focused on right triangles, where they visualize and calculate areas using simple grid methods and direct application of formulas. As the unit progresses, the complexity increases, and students start applying these concepts to non-right triangles, understanding how to use rectangles to visualize and calculate their areas. Later, they extend these area calculation methods specifically to obtuse and acute triangles, considering different orientations such as those positioned on a grid and as part of larger right triangles. Visual skills and problem-solving abilities are emphasized throughout, with grid-based calculations providing a practical understanding of geometric concepts in a visual and interactive format.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit introduces students to the foundational concepts of adding and subtracting decimals, gradually advancing from hundredths to thousandths. It begins with addition, where students practice summing decimal numbers up to the hundredths place, and gradually progress to more precise addition involving the thousandths place. As mastery develops, the focus shifts to subtraction. Initially, the unit covers subtracting decimals to the hundredths, moving towards more detailed subtraction involving thousandths. Throughout the unit, both addition and subtraction are practiced using both regular and columnar formats to enhance precision and understanding. This sequence helps students build a methodical approach to decimal operations, reinforcing their skills in handling decimal values in both addition and subtraction scenarios, thereby developing their overall numerical accuracy and fluency.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit progresses through a variety of foundational and intermediate skills associated with understanding and navigating a Cartesian grid. Initially, students learn to identify the X and Y axes and recognize coordinates on a Cartesian grid, enhancing their ability to name and locate positions in a two-dimensional plane. As the unit advances, they practice spatial reasoning by pinpointing exact coordinates and identifying directions between points, both straight and at angles. Further complexities are introduced as they calculate distances and vectors between points, requiring an understanding of both direction and magnitude. Students strengthen their ability to visualize and move within the grid by interpreting vectors from given directions and determining the coordinate changes required for specific movements. Towards the end, the unit emphasizes calculating distances and vectors between points, blending their knowledge of direction, distance, and coordinate transformations to solve more complex geometric and spatial problems on the Cartesian grid.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit focuses on understanding and calculating elapsed time in various contexts, starting with basic operations involving half-hour increments and advancing toward calculating differences to the precise minute. Initially, students learn to compute elapsed time using half-hour intervals, then progress to recognizing and computing time differing by quarter-hour intervals. As their skills develop, they handle finer increments down to individual minutes. The unit weaves in different scenarios, from digital to analog clock readings and from simple to complex durations (minutes to full hours). It reinforces students' abilities to calculate future times by adding given intervals to existing times, preparing them for practical daily applications. This progression culminates in tasks that combine hours and minutes for a comprehensive understanding of time manipulation and its various practical implications in everyday settings.
Skills you will learn include:
In this math unit, students start with foundational skills, developing an understanding of perfect squares by calculating and identifying squares of integers. They begin with simple recognition and computation of perfect squares, progressing to expressing numbers as squares of integers. As the unit advances, students gain proficiency in determining square roots of perfect squares through multiple-choice questions formatted as equations, which enhances their conceptual grasp and computational skills in the context of exonsponents. The unit then moves on to more complex tasks, such as identifying numbers that are not perfect squares and determining whether a given number is a perfect square, fostering critical thinking and deeper analysis of numerical properties. Finally, students practice recognizing and completing sequences of perfect squares, which solidifies their understanding of numerical patterns and relationships between consecutive squares. This gradual and systematic exploration of squares and square roots prepares them for more advanced studies in exponents and algebraic concepts.
Skills you will learn include:
In this math unit, students begin by learning to multiply decimal tenths by tens, establishing foundational skills in decimal multiplication. Progressively, the exercises incorporate multiplying decimal tenths and hundredths by single and larger whole numbers, such as ones, hundreds, and thousands, using both standard and column multiplication methods. The unit gradually introduces more complex problems, including multiplication by negative powers of ten and standard powers of ten, advancing students' ability to handle various decimal operations in different contexts. This progression strengthens students’ understanding of how decimal placements change with multiplication and develops their skills in calculating and conceptualizing decimal multiplications involving larger or smaller values, serving as a comprehensive introduction to working with decimals in mathematical operations.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit introduces and reinforces a variety of essential multiplication and division skills, strategically advancing students through a structured progression of concepts. Beginning with basic multiplication practice using times tables, the unit focuses initially on fostering proficiency with multiplying one- and two-digit numbers, enhancing both speed and accuracy. It delves deeper into multiplication techniques by teaching students to break down numbers using various methods such as the breakout and the column formats, thus aiding in their understanding of how to manage more complex calculations by decomposing numbers into tens and units. Progressing through the sequence, the unit integrates practical application through multiplication and division word problems. These include real-world scenarios that require students to apply their multiplication skills to compute totals or use division to distribute items evenly, ensuring that they can translate their arithmetic capabilities into practical tasks. Advanced topics address properties of multiplication, such as the commutative and distributive properties, enriching students' mathematical reasoning and understanding of how these properties facilitate more efficient problem solving and pave the way for future algebraic concepts. This structured approach ensures a comprehensive grasp of foundational multiplication and division skills while gradually introducing more sophisticated mathematical techniques.
Skills you will learn include:
In this math unit, students start by developing skills in calculating negative elapsed time between two clock times and advance to manipulating negative time durations with increasing complexity. Initially, they learn to identify the difference in hours and minutes between two times and gradually learn to calculate new times after subtracting full hours or minute intervals from a given starting time. As the unit progresses, exercises involve more detail such as half-hour and quarter-hour increments, enhancing students' ability to compute and comprehend time differences visually and numerically. Towards the end, the challenges present scenarios requiring precise subtraction of time, demanding more exact and speedier calculations. This progression builds a strong foundation in understanding and managing reversed time durations, underscored by practical problem-solving of real-life relevance.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit advances through a series of concepts dealing with decimal division, beginning with the basics and moving toward more complex operations. Initially, students practice dividing decimal numbers by whole tenths and single-digit numbers, focusing on both short and long division methods to solidify their foundational understanding of decimal operations. They then progress to more complicated tasks such as dividing whole numbers by decimal tenths and decimals by whole hundredths, which trains them in the subtleties of decimal behavior in division. Further advancement leads to division tasks involving larger numbers (tens, hundreds, thousands) and moving on to dividing decimals by decimals in tenths, adding complexity to their understanding of precision in decimal division. The unit continues by integrating divisions by negative powers of ten and using division as a fraction by powers of ten (both positive and negative), which elucidate the shifting of decimal points. In conclusion, students are encouraged to manipulate and simplify expressions with powers of ten, enabling them to interpret numerical expressions through division operations that yield decimals, reinforcing comprehensive mastery over decimal division.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit starts with the basics of prime factorization, where students learn to break down numbers into prime factors using factor trees. It progresses to more complex applications of prime factorization and factoring skills using Venn diagrams. Initially, students use Venn diagrams to identify and place common and unique factors of two numbers. As the unit advances, the complexity increases as students apply these skills to three numbers, identifying shared and distinct factors using increasingly complex Venn diagram representations. This gradual progression helps students enhance their understanding of number factorization and relationships, and deepen their analytical reasoning skills through the visual aid of Venn diagrams. The exercises emphasize recognizing prime components, visualizing numerical relationships, and developing a strong foundation in understanding factors and prime factorization for larger sets of numbers.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit starts with students learning basic fraction comparison skills, initially focusing on fractions with the same denominators and progressing to include mixed numbers. These initial topics introduce the concepts of inequality and help students visualize and understand the relative sizes of fractions without altering the denominators. As the unit progresses, students delve into finding and creating equivalent fractions, learning to calculate missing numerators or denominators to formulate equivalent relationships. Subsequent topics challenge students to compare fractions by simplifying problems where denominators are modified, facilitating the understanding of equivalence and comparison across different fractions. The unit ends with students handling more complex comparisons involving mixed numbers and different denominators, where they apply earlier learned skills to simplify and compare fractions effectively, cementing their understanding of fraction equivalence, manipulation, and comparison.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins by establishing foundational skills in dividing by specific single-digit numbers, progressing through straightforward division problems without remainders such as dividing two-digit by one-digit numbers. As the unit advances, it introduces more complex tasks involving long division techniques and dividing larger numbers (up to three digits) by a single digit, both with and without remainders. Simultaneously, the unit integrates multiplication problems where students solve for missing values in equations involving multiplication by tens or identifying a missing digit in multiplication problems. This not only reinforces division skills but also enhances understanding of inverse operations. Towards the end of the unit, there's an emphasis on expressing division results as fractions and mastering the handling of remainders, culminating in a thorough proficiency in basic arithmetic operations involving both division and multiplication against progressively challenging number sizes and complexities.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins by introducing students to the concept of Pi, first as a Greek letter and then as a ratio related to circles. It progresses by teaching fundamental circle properties, starting with calculations involving the diameter and radius of circles before moving into how these dimensions relate to calculating circumference using Pi. The unit gradually incorporates more complex exercises, such as computing circumference with given radius or diameter, first using approximations of Pi and then exact values. As the unit advances, students practice arithmetic operations involving Pi, and skills like using calculators and applying formulas (\(C = \pi \times d\) and \(C = 2\pi r\)) correctly. Near the end, the focus is on reinforcing the relationship between the diameter, radius, and circumference, and applying these concepts practically, encouraging mental math and self-assessment. The unit rounds off by revisiting core concepts, ensuring a solid understanding of circle geometry.
Skills you will learn include: