Identify numbers from a populated Venn diagram of factors

This math skill involves identifying numbers based on a Venn diagram that displays factors. Each circle in the diagram represents the factors of different numbers, with the overlapping sections showing the common factors. From this, specific numbers are deduced by multiplying the set of factors together.

Learn identify numbers from a populated Venn diagram of factors

Teaching Transcript


What numbers does this venn factor diagram represent?

Each circle shows the factors of a number, with shared factors in the overlapping circle.

So our two numbers are 3 times 3 times 2, or 18, and 2 times 2 times 5, or 20.

Skill Practice

Identify numbers from a populated Venn diagram of factors

Test your understanding of identify numbers from a populated Venn diagram of factors by practicing it! Work through the below exercises to use it in practice.