Mixed fractions on a number line

Number lines and mixed fractions

This math skill involves identifying the position of a dot on a number line using mixed fractions. It teaches how to express the location of the dot between two whole numbers when the line is divided into equal parts.

Learn mixed fractions on a number line

Teaching Transcript


This dot is on the number line, but not on a whole number. Let's find a mixed fraction that best describes where it is.

We can see that each whole number has been split up into 6 parts. We are past the first whole number, one, but before two, so we have one whole

Our dot is on the fifth of the 6 smaller parts. That is all a fraction is, how many parts, out of how many parts in a whole

So our dot is at five sixths of the way between one and two.

So our dot is at one whole and five sixths of another whole. So, one and five sixths.