Drawing and counting lines of symmetry

This math skill involves identifying whether shapes are symmetric and determining how many lines of symmetry each shape has. A line of symmetry divides a shape so that one side is a mirror image of the other. Shapes can have multiple lines of symmetry, one, or none at all.

Learn drawing and counting lines of symmetry

Teaching Transcript


Are these shapes symmetric, and how many lines of symmetry do they have?

Symmetry means you can draw a line and one side of the line is a mirror image of the other. The butterfly has a left and right side that are identical, so it has one line of symmetry.

The rabbit has no way to draw a line where one side is the same as the other. So it is not symmetric and has zero lines of symmetry.

For this shape, there are 4 different ways to draw lines of symmetry that make one side identical to the other.

Skill Practice

Drawing and counting lines of symmetry

Test your understanding of drawing and counting lines of symmetry by practicing it! Work through the below exercises to use it in practice.