Naming 2D shapes by their number of sides

This math skill involves identifying 2D shapes by counting their sides and then naming them using root words derived from Greek numbers. Special naming conventions apply, like "quadrilaterals" for four-sided shapes.

Learn naming 2D shapes by their number of sides

Teaching Transcript


Let's name these shapes by their number of sides

First, let's count how many sides each shape has.

Each number has a root word that's based on greek numbers. 4 is quad, 5 is pent, 6 is hex, 8 is oct

We can finish the name so we have pentagons, hexagons, and octagons. Four sided shapes are a special case, they are called quadrilaterals.

Skill Practice

Naming 2D shapes by their number of sides

Test your understanding of naming 2D shapes by their number of sides by practicing it! Work through the below exercises to use it in practice.