Fmean when a number is added

Find the mean when a number is added

This math skill teaches how to find an additional value that, when added to a set of numbers, results in a specified mean for the new set. You calculate the overall sum needed for the desired mean and then subtract the sum of the original numbers from this total to find the added value.

Learn fmean when a number is added

Teaching Transcript


What can we add to 10, 8, and 9 to produce a mean of 7?

Mean is sum divided by count

With another number added, there will be 4 numbers. 4 numbers with a mean of 7 means the sum will be 4 times 7 or 28

So 10 plus 8 plus 9 plus our mystery number will equal 28. That means our mystery number is 28 - 27, or 1

Skill Practice

Find the mean when a number is added

Test your understanding of fmean when a number is added by practicing it! Work through the below exercises to use it in practice.