Addition with a carry

Addition of multi-digit numbers with a carry

This math skill teaches how to add multi-digit numbers by aligning them in columns and carrying over when a sum exceeds 9. It involves adding from right to left, starting with the ones digit, then the tens, and placing extra values into higher columns as needed.

Learn addition with a carry

Teaching Transcript


Let's add 25 and 48 together

When we're adding numbers with more than one digit, it's best to set them up in columns. Make sure that the ones digits are on top of each other.

Now we can start to add. We start with the ones. 5 plus 8, or 8 plus 5, is equal to 13. The order doesn't matter.

With the 13, we have a ones digit of 3, let's put that at the bottom in the ones column. But we also have a tens digit of 1. Let's split that apart and put our tens digit in the tens column.

Now for the tens column, we can add 1 plus 2 plus 4, and get 7. So, in our tens column, we'll have a 7

So our final answer is 73. We can continue this pattern of adding and carrying for any size of number.