Comparing value of two decimals
This math skill teaches how to compare two decimal numbers by checking each digit from left to right. If digits are the same, continue to the next digit until a difference is found. The larger different digit determines which decimal is greater.
Let's compare 8.94 and 8.5 to see which is larger
With decimals we can always add zeros at the end without changing the number
Start our comparison with the largest digit. The 8's are the same, so we move to the next digit.
The point 9 and point 5 are different, so we can see that 8.9 is larger than 8.5. Any numbers after that do not matter.
So 8.94 is greater than 8.5
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Comparing value of two decimals
Test your understanding of comparing the value of two decimals by practicing it! Work through the below exercises to use it in practice.