Decimal comparison

Comparing decimals in tenths and hundredths

Comparing decimals in tenths and hundredths

Learn decimal comparison

Teaching Transcript


Which decimal is larger, 0 point 7 6, or 0 point 7?

We have many ways to represent decimals that can help us compare two. First, with any decimal we can add zeros to the end without changing its meaning, so we can make zero point 7 into zero point seven zero.

Next, we can always represent decimals as fractions. 0 point 7 6 is 76 hundredths. 0 point 7 is 7 tenths, or 70 hundredths.

We can also show the decimals as pictures. If we shade 76 squares out of 100, we can compare it to shading 7 rows out of 10.

In all cases, we can see that the left decimal is greater than the right decimal.

Skill Practice

Comparing decimals in tenths and hundredths

Test your understanding of decimal comparison by practicing it! Work through the below exercises to use it in practice.