This skill involves performing long division with a two-digit number divided by a single-digit number, which includes finding the remainder. The division process involves dividing the tens digit, carrying over, multiplying, subtracting, and repeating with the ones digit to determine the quotient and remainder.
Let's divide 86 by 7 using long division
First look at the 8, in the tens place. One 7 fits into 8, so we add a 1 on top, and a 7 below
Now we subtract our 7 to find how many tens we have left.
Let's bring down the 6 in the ones place to make 16
Two sevens fit into 16, so we put a 2 on top, and 14, for 2 times 7, below
Subtracting, we get a remainder of 2, so 86 divided by 7 is 12, remainder 2
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Long division 2 x 1 with remainder
Test your understanding of long division 2 x 1 with remainder by practicing it! Work through the below exercises to use it in practice.