
Division with divisors from 10 to 19

The math skill being taught is division involving divisors between 10 and 19. The process involves finding multiples of the divisor that best fit into the dividend to achieve a quotient, sometimes achieving a perfect match with no remainder.

Learn division with divisors from 10 to 19

Teaching Transcript


How can we divide 78 by 13? With numbers 10 or larger it can look a bit intimidating, but we can follow the same process.

We will look at the multiples of 13 to find the one that best fits into 78. 13 times 1 is 13, 13 times 2 is 26.

Continuing on with 39 and 52, we are still a bit too small.

Next is 65, then 78, so we found a perfect match with no remainder

So 78 divided by 13 is 6. We can use this process for any number like this.

Skill Practice

Division with divisors from 10 to 19

Test your understanding of division with divisors from 10 to 19 by practicing it! Work through the below exercises to use it in practice.