This math skill teaches how to divide numbers to obtain a decimal quotient using long division. When the numbers do not divide evenly, the dividend can be extended with decimals and zeros to continue the division process until the remainder is zero or stops at a desired precision.
Let's divide 9 by 5 to find a decimal quotient
When we have a number that doesn't divide cleanly, it's often best to set it up as a long division
5 goes in to 9 once, so we can write 1 on top, and 5 below the 9.
Now we subtract to get a 4.
We can add a decimal after the dividend and after the quotient. Adding any number of zeros after the decimal does not change the number. We can bring down one of these zeros to make a 40.
5 goes into 40 8 times, so we can put an 8 on top after the decimal, and 40 below.
Since 40 minus 40 is zero, we can stop here. Our quotient, for 9 divided by 5, is 1.8.
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Division to a decimal quotient
Test your understanding of division to a decimal quotient by practicing it! Work through the below exercises to use it in practice.