Naming fractions

Teaching Transcript


Let's learn how to name fractions based on how many equal parts we have colored, and how many equal parts would make up a whole.

Every fraction is just the count of equal parts that we have, or are talking about, over the number of equal parts that would make up a whole

So in this first fraction, only one of the parts is colored, so our top number is 1. The circle is evenly divided into three parts, so our bottom number is 3.

We could call this 1 over 3, or we could call it one third.

In our second fraction, we have 3 of the parts colored, and the whole is made up of 4 equal parts, so our fraction is 3 over 4.

When a whole is divided into 4, we can call that fourths, or we can call it quarters.

There are names for each fraction. When a whole is divided into 2 parts, we call them halves. We've already seen thirds and quarters.

After that, the naming follows the same pattern. We have fifths, sixths, sevenths, eighths, and so on.

Naming fractions like halves, thirds, and quarters