Sum of the inside angles of a shape

This math skill teaches how to calculate the sum of the inside angles of polygons. It explains that triangles have a total of 180 degrees, quadrilaterals have 360 degrees, and pentagons have 540 degrees. This rule applies regardless of the shape's regularity.

Learn sum of the inside angles of a shape

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What are the sums of the inside angles of these shapes?

Triangles always add up to 180 degrees, four sided shapes always add up to 360 degrees, and five sided shapes always add up to 540 degrees

This rule works even for irregular shapes. This is a triangle, for example, so the inside angles will always add up to 180 degrees

Skill Practice

Sum of the inside angles of a shape

Test your understanding of sum of the inside angles of a shape by practicing it! Work through the below exercises to use it in practice.