Identify faces, edges, and vertices

Identify and count faces, edges, and vertices

This math skill involves identifying and counting the faces, edges, and vertices of a 3D shape. A face is described as a flat side, excluding rounded sides; an edge as the line between two faces; and a vertex as the corner where edges meet.

Learn identify faces, edges, and vertices

Teaching Transcript


Count how many faces, edges, and vertices this shape had

A face is a flat side. Rounded sides are usually not counted as faces.

An edge is the line between two sides.

A vertex, or if plural, vertices, is a corner where edges come together

Counting our faces, we have 6, like the number of sides of a dice

For edges, there are 4 on top, 4 on the vertical sides, and 4 on the bottom

There are 8 vertices, 4 on top, and 4 on the bottom