Is a number is a perfect square

Determining if a number is a perfect square

This math skill teaches how to determine if a number is a perfect square by checking if it lies between the squares of two consecutive integers. If it does and there are no integers between these two numbers, then the original number is not a perfect square.

Learn is a number is a perfect square

Teaching Transcript


Is 72 a perfect square?

Perfect squares are squares of whole numbers, so let's try a few. 7 squared is 49, 8 squared is 64, and 9 squared is 81.

Since 72 is between 64 and 81, but there are no integers between 8 and 9, 72 cannot be a perfect square.

Skill Practice

Determining if a number is a perfect square

Test your understanding of is a number is a perfect square by practicing it! Work through the below exercises to use it in practice.