Geometry of 2D Shapes
16 Units, 29 Skills
Geometry Basics - Intro
Unit 1
Geometry Basics - Practice
Unit 2
Geometry - Shape Classification (2D) - Intro
Unit 3
Geometry Basics - Advanced
Unit 4
Geometry - Angle Basics
Unit 5
Geometry - Triangle Classification - Practice
Unit 6
Geometry - Shape Classification (2D) - Practice
Unit 7
Geometry - Shape Classification (2D) - Advanced
Unit 8
Geometry - Angles and Transformations - Intro
Unit 9
Geometry - Angles and Transformations - Practice
Unit 10
Area and Perimeter Logic - Intro
Unit 11
Geometry - Isosceles and Equilateral Triangles
Unit 12
Geometry - Intersecting, Parallel, and Perpendicular Lines
Unit 13
Area and Perimeter Logic - Practice
Unit 14
Geometry - Intermediate - Intro
Unit 15
Geometry - Intermediate - Practice
Unit 16
Geometry of 2D shapes involves understanding and analyzing flat figures like circles, triangles, and rectangles. Key skills include identifying shapes, calculating perimeter and area, and recognizing properties like angles and symmetry. Mastery of 2D geometry builds a foundation for spatial reasoning, problem-solving, and more advanced topics such as 3D geometry, trigonometry, and geometric proofs, essential for higher-level math and various real-world applications.
This math unit provides a comprehensive introduction to basic geometry concepts, progressing through various foundational skills. Initially, the unit starts with simple shape recognition, where students learn to identify basic 2D shapes visually. Subsequently, they explore these shapes further by learning to count and compare sides and vertices, which deepens their understanding of geometric properties. The curriculum advances into concepts of symmetry, teaching students how to identify lines of symmetry and assess whether shapes are symmetric. This prepares the students for more complex comparisons, such as distinguishing between congruent and similar shapes. These topics focus on understanding and applying geometric properties to determine if shapes have exact or similar dimensions and angles. The unit progresses into naming polygons and classifying them based on the number of sides, and whether they are regular (symmetrical and all sides and angles are equal) or irregular. Towards the end, the unit also incorporates the identification of circle parts and basic line properties, including lines, segments, and rays, rounding out a full introductory exposure to geometry. This structured approach gradually builds up from simple identification to more detailed analysis and classification of shapes and lines.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins by introducing students to the concept of congruence and similarity among 2D shapes, where they initially learn to identify and distinguish these properties through image comparisons and property descriptions. As students progress, they practice these skills in various contexts including matching descriptions to images and confirming geometric properties through true/false assessments. The unit then extends into the study of polygons, where students learn to recognize and name polygons based on the number of sides, and further classify them as regular or irregular based on symmetry and equal sides. The unit advances into exploring 3D shapes, starting with identifying simple 3D forms like spheres and cubes, progressing to more complex geometric forms such as various types of prisms and pyramids. Finally, the unit covers basic geometric constructs including lines, segments, and rays, enhancing foundational geometry knowledge essential for understanding both 2D and 3D shapes. Throughout, the unit involves increasingly complex geometric concepts, preparing students for a comprehensive understanding of geometry basics.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins by introducing basic concepts of 2D shapes, focusing first on identifying simple geometric figures by matching shape names and images. As the unit progresses, students delve deeper into geometry by counting vertices and sides, which supports their ability to classify shapes more specifically. The lesson complexity increases as students learn to differentiate shapes based on congruence and similarity, involving analysis of angles and side lengths. Additionally, the unit covers symmetry, challenging students to identify symmetric shapes and count lines of symmetry. Toward the end of the unit, students work on naming shapes based on the number of sides and recognizing polygons, including a detailed examination of specific polygon families like parallelograms. This progression from basic identification to more detailed classification prepares students to understand and analyze a range of geometric properties and relationships.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins by exploring the congruence and similarity of 2D shapes, helping students recognize geometric properties and relationships. Initially, learners identify and differentiate these properties in 2D shapes, progressing to more complex identification tasks involving both congruence and similarity criteria. The unit transitions into the three-dimensional realm by teaching the naming and identification of parts of 3D shapes, such as vertices, faces, and edges. Here, students not only learn to recognize these elements but also practice counting them in various 3D figures, enhancing their spatial awareness and understanding of three-dimensional forms. Subsequently, the unit shifts focus back to 2D shapes, particularly circles, where students delve into understanding parts of a circle and the mathematical relationships between a circle’s diameter and radius. This section anchors knowledge on the geometric basics of circles. The final phase of this unit involves a comprehensive treatment of triangle classification. Students learn to classify triangles based on angles (acute, right, obtuse) and by their sides (scalene, isosceles, equilateral), consolidating their understanding with reverse classification practices and reinforcing their overall grasp of geometric properties and relationships integral to both two and three-dimensional shapes.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit develops students' understanding and estimation skills concerning angles, progressing from basic identification to complex calculations involving geometric figures. Initially, the unit introduces students to the fundamental categories of angles: acute, obtuse, right, and straight. It then focuses on enhancing students' ability to visually identify and classify these angles through various exercises, including multiple choice and true/false formats. As the unit progresses, the focus shifts toward the essential skill of estimating angles. It starts with basic visual estimations in degrees and gradually moves towards more challenging tasks that require students to estimate and identify angles by comparing them to given reference angles or common angle measures. Toward the end of the unit, learners apply their estimation skills along with basic arithmetic operations to solve problems involving complementary angles. They perform calculations to find the remainder of angles that together equal 90 degrees in one scenario and 180 degrees in another, linking their geometric knowledge to practical problem-solving in intersecting, parallel, and perpendicular line contexts.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit starts with basic geometry, focusing on identifying and classifying angles—acute, obtuse, right, and straight—through various visual and descriptive methods. As the unit progresses, it shifts from angle recognition alone to detailed triangle classification based on angle types. Students learn to categorize triangles as acute, obtuse, or right by visual inspection and definition matching, gradually deepening their understanding of these concepts. The unit then expands to encompass comprehensive triangle classification by including side lengths along with angle types. Students engage with identifying and distinguishing between scalene, isosceles, and equilateral triangles, first through direct illustration-based identification, then progressing to more complex tasks involving matching descriptions to triangle images and vice versa. This detailed approach, extending from simple angle identification to complex triangle classification, equips students with a thorough understanding of geometric properties and relationships within triangles.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins with foundational geometry concepts, starting with identifying parts of a circle and understanding line relationships as parallel, intersecting, or perpendicular. Progressively, it introduces the classification of angles by type—acute, obtuse, right, and specific angles like 90, 180, and 270 degrees, building a groundwork for comprehending more complex geometric shapes. The unit then delves into classifying triangles by both sides and angles and extends to broader classifications covering various polygons based on the number of sides and distinguishing between regular and irregular polygons. Further, it explores quadrilateral types, enhancing recognition and understanding of more specific shapes. The unit circles back to circle geometry by practicing calculations that involve deriving the radius from the diameter. Lastly, it applies polygon classification knowledge in a practical setting by helping learners identify specific quadrilaterals, such as parallelograms, based on visual properties. This math unit emphasizes a gradual escalation from basic geometrical definitions to complex shape classifications and practical applications.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins by introducing students to the basics of polygon classification, first by the number of sides and then by the regularity or irregularity of their shapes. It progresses into more specific properties of circles, reinforcing the relationship between diameter and radius through practical problems. As the unit advances, students further explore the geometry of quadrilaterals, identifying specific types like kites and rhombuses based on visual properties. Subsequently, the unit shifts focus to angles, starting with the classification of angles as acute, obtuse, right, or straight, and then moving to exact angle measures such as 90, 180, or 270 degrees. This foundation supports the next part of the unit, which delves into triangle classification by angles, providing various exercises to identify triangle types based on angle measurements. The unit then builds on this by introducing classification of triangles based on side lengths, distinguishing between isosceles, scalene, and other types of triangles. The progression culminates in a deeper understanding of how to analyze and categorize shapes based on both angles and side lengths, providing a comprehensive geometry unit.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit guides learners through a sequence of geometric concepts focused on the understanding and manipulation of angles. Initially, students compare and identify different types of angles using diagrams, enhancing spatial reasoning. As they progress, they estimate angles based on references, building a strong foundational skill in visual estimation and the basics of geometry. The unit then challenges students to apply their knowledge by finding missing angles in triangles and parallelograms, involving algebraic thinking and understanding geometrical properties. Further exercises have students identify missing angles within kites—a slightly more complex application requiring an understanding of the specific properties of different quadrilaterals. The unit culminates in mastering transformations with a focus on rotational symmetry, thus rounding out their skills in identifying and analyzing geometric transformations. This progressive development from basic angle recognition to applying these concepts in various geometrical contexts and transformations represents a comprehensive geometry learning pathway.
Skills you will learn include:
In this math unit, students progress through a series of topics focusing on geometric concepts, specifically angles and transformations. The unit begins with foundational skills such as identifying and naming angles in various configurations like simple angles, angles within triangles, and specific degree angles. It steadily advances towards practical applications, like calculating missing angles in geometric figures—triangles, kites, and general shapes—by utilizing properties like the sum of interior angles and complementary angles that add up to specific totals like 90 or 180 degrees. The latter part of the unit introduces students to the concept of geometric transformations, starting with identifying reflections. Students learn to discern the type of transformation that has occurred between two shapes, whether through rotation, translation, or reflection. This integration of transformation knowledge builds on the previously established understanding of angle properties, culminating in a comprehensive approach to handling basic to intermediate geometric challenges. These skills pave the way for more complex studies in geometry involving properties and relationships between different shapes and the transformations that link them.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins with understanding the concept of perimeter through calculating missing side lengths of rectangles using given perimeters and side ratios. It progresses into more complex scenarios where students solve for side lengths with variables and fractional ratios. As the unit advances, the focus shifts toward the area of a rectangle, starting with exercises that require finding a side length given the area and one dimension, escalating to solving with the sides represented as variables and ratios, including fractions. Towards the latter part of the unit, practical applications are introduced where students calculate how many tiles are needed to cover an area, enhancing their understanding of the relationship between area, length, and width. The unit culminates with comprehensive exercises that integrate both perimeter and area calculations to determine rectangle dimensions, thereby reinforcing the students' abilities to apply conceptual and practical understanding of these geometric properties in various contexts.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins with students identifying types of triangles based on side lengths and progresses to more complex geometrical analysis, including the calculation and application of angle relationships. Initially, students classify triangles as equilateral, isosceles, or scalene. They move on to calculating and understanding the sum of interior angles in various polygons, applying this understanding specifically to triangle geometry. As the unit progresses, the focus shifts to solving for missing angles in triangles using algebraic equations, building on the triangle angle sum property. Subsequently, students examine the properties of isosceles and equilateral triangles, learning to deduce angles and side lengths based on given information. The unit culminates in applying these concepts to scalene triangles, enriching students' overall understanding of how side lengths and angles interrelate in different triangle types. This comprehensive approach helps students solidify their understanding of triangle geometry within broader geometrical contexts.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit starts with basic geometry concepts, initially focusing on the estimation and calculation of angles formed by various lines. It progresses from estimating angles in reverse and calculating complementary angles that sum up to 90 or 180 degrees, to more complex problems involving identification and calculations related to intersecting, parallel, and perpendicular lines. As the unit advances, students are tasked with identifying relationships between lines and solving for unknown angles in geometrical setups involving crossing lines, both parallel and perpendicular. They refine their understanding of angles in different contexts, including naming and calculating degrees in triangles and other formations. The unit also helps students apply these skills in practical scenarios involving diagrams, fostering a deeper understanding of geometry and its applications.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins by introducing students to the concept of calculating the area of a rectangle using given side ratios and area values. It progresses by incorporating variables and fractional values into these area calculations, enhancing students' algebraic understanding and proportional reasoning with increasingly complex problems. The unit also broadens to include practical applications such as tile coverage problems, where students calculate the number of tiles required based on area, fostering spatial reasoning and application of the area concepts in practical contexts. Transitioning from area-focused topics, the unit shifts to explore the perimeter of rectangles. Here, students apply their skills to find missing side lengths using given perimeters and side ratios, with a progression towards handling variables, algebraic expressions, and fractional side ratios. This segment similarly evolves to include real-world applications such as segment coverage, requiring students to calculate how many given segments are needed to match a rectangle's perimeter. Throughout, the unit strengthens problem-solving skills, logical reasoning, and basic algebra within geometric contexts.
Skills you will learn include:
This math unit begins by advancing students' understanding of circle parts, including components like the center, radius, and tangent. It then progresses to focus on extracting and applying basic geometrical rules such as finding the diameter from the radius and vice versa. The unit advances into more complex concepts involving angles within circles: exploring the relationship between central and inscribed angles, and examining properties of triangles inscribed in circles. Later, the unit delves into calculating and understanding intersected arcs from given angles, highlighting how angles and arcs interact within circle geometry. Lastly, it covers the tangent angle rule through various problem-solving scenarios, using specific angles formed where a tangent meets a circle. Overall, this progression from identification and basic measurements to applied geometric principles provides a comprehensive journey through circle geometry at an intermediate level.
Skills you will learn include:
In this math unit, students progress through a series of increasingly complex topics related to the geometry of circles. Initially, they explore the properties of inscribed angles subtended by the same arc, learning to identify and calculate angles in various configurations within circles. This foundational knowledge is expanded as they begin recognizing pairs of equal angles and address more challenging scenarios involving angles formed by tangents and tangent triangles. Towards the middle of the unit, the focus shifts towards practical applications, such as solving problems related to sector areas and total areas of circles based on given angular measures and radii. By the end of the unit, learners are adept at applying geometric principles and formulas to determine the areas of sectors, calculate unknown radii, and understand the relationships between different elements within circle properties, culminating in a thorough understanding of circle geometry at an intermediate level.
Skills you will learn include: