Geometry of Triangles
9 Units, 27 Skills
Geometry - Triangle Classification - Practice
Unit 1
Triangle Area - Intro
Unit 2
Triangle Area - Practice
Unit 3
Geometry - Isosceles and Equilateral Triangles
Unit 4
Pythagoras - Intro
Unit 5
Pythagorean Triples - Intro
Unit 6
Pythagorean Theorem with Decimals - Intro
Unit 7
Pythagoras - Practice
Unit 8
Inscribed Squares and Circles - Intro
Unit 9
Mobius units are made up of many related topics that share a common theme and set of skills. Each topic builds the skills needed by the next topic, heading towards a common goal of understanding one area of mathematics.
This unit focuses on understanding how to work with the Pythagorean theorem when the resulting values are not perfect integers, and how to approximate square roots, and will teach the following skills:
At Mobius we have lots of great (and free) resources to help you learn math. To keep kids engaged, there’s nothing better than a math-powered video game! Try out a Mobius game mapped to Pythagorean Theorem with Decimals - Intro.