Fraction Addition - Missing Value (Mixed) - Two Changed Denominators (Level 2)

This math topic focuses on practicing skills in fraction addition with a focus on finding the missing value, specifically when both fractions have different denominators. It is designed for advanced learners who are already familiar with mixed number operations and how to manipulate and add fractions with unlike denominators. Each question requires the student to identify the correct fraction needed to complete an addition equation accurately. The problems provide a diverse set of fraction combinations and outcomes which help in enhancing the understanding of fractional addition and numerical relationship concepts.

Work on practice problems directly here, or download the printable pdf worksheet to practice offline.

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Add. Missing Value (Mixed) - Two Changed Denominators

Complete these online problems with 80% or 4 correct answers in a row. Results are immediate.

Find the fraction that makes this equation correct

317  +  ___=44773\frac{1}{7}\;+\; \_\_\_ = 4\frac{4}{77}

Fraction Addition - Missing Value (Mixed) - Two Changed Denominators Worksheet

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Math worksheet on 'Fraction Addition - Missing Value (Mixed) - Two Changed Denominators (Level 2)'. Part of a broader unit on 'Fraction Addition and Subtraction, Mixed - Advanced' Learn online:
Find the fraction that makes this equation correct
A LaTex expression showing 31 over 7 \;+\; \ sub \ sub \ _ = 44 over 77
a A LaTex expression showing 41 over 5
b A LaTex expression showing 42 over 77
c A LaTex expression showing 10 over 11
d A LaTex expression showing 334 over 539
e A LaTex expression showing 41 over 11
f A LaTex expression showing 1236 over 49
Find the fraction that makes this equation correct
A LaTex expression showing 31 over 7 \;+\; \ sub \ sub \ _ = 333 over 35
a A LaTex expression showing 38 over 9
b A LaTex expression showing 36 over 7
c A LaTex expression showing 226 over 7
d A LaTex expression showing 37 over 13
e A LaTex expression showing 4 over 5
f A LaTex expression showing 44 over 7
Find the fraction that makes this equation correct
A LaTex expression showing \ sub \ sub \ _ \;+\;21 over 2 = 513 over 22
a A LaTex expression showing 611 over 19
b A LaTex expression showing 51 over 2
c A LaTex expression showing 31 over 11
d A LaTex expression showing 210 over 11
e A LaTex expression showing 64
f A LaTex expression showing 61 over 21
Find the fraction that makes this equation correct
A LaTex expression showing 21 over 2 \;+\; \ sub \ sub \ _ = 35 over 14
a A LaTex expression showing 34 over 7
b A LaTex expression showing 16 over 7
c A LaTex expression showing 211 over 19
d A LaTex expression showing 33 over 7
e A LaTex expression showing 25 over 6
f A LaTex expression showing 6 over 7
Find the fraction that makes this equation correct
A LaTex expression showing 38 over 11 \;+\; \ sub \ sub \ _ = 65 over 22
a A LaTex expression showing 62 over 11
b A LaTex expression showing 2351 over 242
c A LaTex expression showing 519 over 23
d A LaTex expression showing 64 over 11
e A LaTex expression showing 53 over 4
f A LaTex expression showing 21 over 2
Find the fraction that makes this equation correct
A LaTex expression showing \ sub \ sub \ _ \;+\;26 over 7 = 65 over 14
a A LaTex expression showing 188 over 49
b A LaTex expression showing 214 over 17
c A LaTex expression showing 62 over 7
d A LaTex expression showing 64 over 7
e A LaTex expression showing 31 over 2
f A LaTex expression showing 63 over 7
Find the fraction that makes this equation correct
A LaTex expression showing \ sub \ sub \ _ \;+\;1 over 3 = 116 over 21
a A LaTex expression showing 15 over 7
b A LaTex expression showing 13 over 5
c A LaTex expression showing 117 over 21
d A LaTex expression showing 13 over 7
e A LaTex expression showing 122 over 3
f A LaTex expression showing 111 over 21