Fraction Addition - To Next Whole (Simple) - Two Changed Denominators (Level 2)

This math topic focuses on practicing the addition of fractions to reach the next whole number, specifically involving cases where denominators are changed. The exercises consist of identifying the missing fraction in addition equations to make the sum a complete whole number. This includes tasks where one part of the fraction addition equation is provided, and participants must choose the correct fraction from multiple options that would complete the equation to form a whole number. This is part of a more advanced unit on fraction addition and subtraction.

Work on practice problems directly here, or download the printable pdf worksheet to practice offline.

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Add. To Next Whole (Simple) - Two Changed Denominators

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Find the fraction that makes this equation correct

___  +  12=1 \_\_\_ \;+\;\frac{1}{2} = 1

Fraction Addition - To Next Whole (Simple) - Two Changed Denominators Worksheet

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Math worksheet on 'Fraction Addition - To Next Whole (Simple) - Two Changed Denominators (Level 2)'. Part of a broader unit on 'Fraction Addition and Subtraction - Advanced' Learn online:
Find the fraction that makes this equation correct
A LaTex expression showing \ sub \ sub \ _ \;+\;4 over 7 = 1
a A LaTex expression showing 13 over 5
b A LaTex expression showing 2 over 3
c A LaTex expression showing 1
d A LaTex expression showing 5
e A LaTex expression showing 3 over 7
f A LaTex expression showing 1 over 2
Find the fraction that makes this equation correct
A LaTex expression showing \ sub \ sub \ _ \;+\;26 over 11 = 3
a A LaTex expression showing 7
b A LaTex expression showing 1
c A LaTex expression showing 7 over 11
d A LaTex expression showing 0
e A LaTex expression showing 27 over 11
f A LaTex expression showing 29
Find the fraction that makes this equation correct
A LaTex expression showing 2 over 11 \;+\; \ sub \ sub \ _ = 3
a A LaTex expression showing 2
b A LaTex expression showing 42 over 3
c A LaTex expression showing 3
d A LaTex expression showing 1
e A LaTex expression showing 29 over 11
f A LaTex expression showing 5 over 11
Find the fraction that makes this equation correct
A LaTex expression showing \ sub \ sub \ _ \;+\;8 over 5 = 2
a A LaTex expression showing 10
b A LaTex expression showing 1
c A LaTex expression showing 7 over 9
d A LaTex expression showing 2 over 5
e A LaTex expression showing 6
f A LaTex expression showing 2
Find the fraction that makes this equation correct
A LaTex expression showing 7 over 11 \;+\; \ sub \ sub \ _ = 1
a A LaTex expression showing 2
b A LaTex expression showing 4 over 11
c A LaTex expression showing 7 over 11
d A LaTex expression showing 5
e A LaTex expression showing 1
f A LaTex expression showing 2 over 5
Find the fraction that makes this equation correct
A LaTex expression showing \ sub \ sub \ _ \;+\;1 over 2 = 1
a A LaTex expression showing 0
b A LaTex expression showing 2
c A LaTex expression showing 1 over 2
d A LaTex expression showing 3
e A LaTex expression showing 11 over 2
f A LaTex expression showing 1
Find the fraction that makes this equation correct
A LaTex expression showing \ sub \ sub \ _ \;+\;20 over 7 = 3
a A LaTex expression showing 11 over 3
b A LaTex expression showing 84 over 7
c A LaTex expression showing 3
d A LaTex expression showing 32 over 7
e A LaTex expression showing 4
f A LaTex expression showing 1 over 7