Probability nPm Notation - Formula to Value (Level 1)

This math topic revolves around manipulating factorial expressions and calculating the value of permutations. It introduces permutations using the nPm notation, where "n" is the total number of items and "m" specifies a subset, focusing on fundamental problems to determine the correct value of given permutation formulas. These problems involve straightforward factorial calculations and their ratios, engaging students in factorial operation understandings such as "5!", "4! over 2!", and straightforward numerical results from these operations. This builds a foundational skill set in permutations necessary for deeper study in probability and statistics.

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Formula to Value

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Select the correct value for when this formula is calculated


Probability nPm Notation - Formula to Value Worksheet

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Math worksheet on 'Probability nPm Notation - Formula to Value (Level 1)'. Part of a broader unit on 'Probability and Statistics - Binomial Notation Intro' Learn online:
Select the correct value for when this formula is calculated
A LaTex expression showing 4!
a A LaTex expression showing 120 over 1
b A LaTex expression showing 720 over 24
c A LaTex expression showing 24 over 1
d A LaTex expression showing 6 over 1
e A LaTex expression showing 24 over 24
Select the correct value for when this formula is calculated
A LaTex expression showing 5! over 2!
a A LaTex expression showing 120 over 12
b A LaTex expression showing 120 over 2
c A LaTex expression showing 6 over 1
Select the correct value for when this formula is calculated
A LaTex expression showing 5!
a A LaTex expression showing 120 over 1
b A LaTex expression showing 6 over 1
c A LaTex expression showing 24 over 1
d A LaTex expression showing 120 over 24
Select the correct value for when this formula is calculated
A LaTex expression showing 6!
a A LaTex expression showing 5040 over 1
b A LaTex expression showing 120 over 1
c A LaTex expression showing 720 over 120
d A LaTex expression showing 24 over 1
e A LaTex expression showing 720 over 1
Select the correct value for when this formula is calculated
A LaTex expression showing 5! over 3!
a A LaTex expression showing 120 over 6
b A LaTex expression showing 120 over 12
c A LaTex expression showing 720 over 24
d A LaTex expression showing 24 over 1
e A LaTex expression showing 24 over 2
f A LaTex expression showing 2 over 1
Select the correct value for when this formula is calculated
A LaTex expression showing 6! over 4!
a A LaTex expression showing 720 over 24
b A LaTex expression showing 24 over 1
c A LaTex expression showing 2 over 1
d A LaTex expression showing 720 over 48
e A LaTex expression showing 24 over 2
Select the correct value for when this formula is calculated
A LaTex expression showing 3!
a A LaTex expression showing 2 over 1
b A LaTex expression showing 6 over 1
c A LaTex expression showing 120 over 1
d A LaTex expression showing 6 over 2