Statistics - Solve for Range - From Equation (Level 1)

This math topic focuses on solving for the range of a set of numbers, where each problem provides a dataset for which students need to compute the range. The range is calculated by subtracting the smallest number in the set from the largest number. This skill is a fundamental part of understanding data dispersion in the broader context of basic statistics, linking to concepts of mean, median, and mode. Each problem on the topic offers multiple choice answers, allowing students to select the correct range for provided numerical data sets.

Work on practice problems directly here, or download the printable pdf worksheet to practice offline.

Solve for Range - From Equation

Complete this topic with 80% correct, working as fast as you can! Results are immediate.


Find the range of the numbers (9, 9, 4, 9) using the guide

4    9    9    9    94\underline{4}\;\;9\;\;9\;\;\underline{9}\;\;\\\\9 - 4