This math unit begins with the basics of long division without remainders, focusing on two-digit dividends divided by single-digit divisors. Students start by mastering the process of performing exact divisions that yield whole numbers, establishing a strong foundation in division skills. The unit progresses to introduce remainders in division, first with similar two-digit by one-digit scenarios, and then advancing to more complex three-digit by one-digit equations, enhancing their problem-solving skills and understanding of division concepts. Further complexity is added by involving three-digit dividends with single and later two-digit divisors, navigating both no remainder and remainder scenarios. The unit also integrates related skills such as identifying missing values in multiplication and division equations, which deepens students' arithmetic comprehension and inverse operation skills. By the end of the unit, students are adept at handling various types of division equations, including long division with larger numbers and successfully calculating and interpreting remainders in diverse numerical contexts.
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Divide these numbers