This math unit progresses through various skills centered around converting numbers to word equivalents and vice versa, with a focus on number sense and place value. It starts with basic conversions of numbers to words using powers of ten, such as tens and hundreds. As students proceed, they practice these skills with increasing complexity, including thousands and tens of thousands, along with their corresponding word forms. Midway through the unit, the exercises introduce numbers in mixed forms and decimal place values up to tenths, moving towards more detailed representations involving thousands to millionths and tenths in both word and numeral forms. Towards the later sections, students also deal with mixed-level number representations, encompassing a range that includes larger quantities and finer decimal values. This gradual progression solidifies mastery of expressing numbers in various formats, enhancing their fluency with numerical and textual representations across a broad spectrum of values, from simple integers to complex decimal notations.
Skills you will learn include:
At Mobius we have lots of great (and free) resources to help you learn math. To keep kids engaged, there’s nothing better than a math-powered video game! Try out a Mobius game mapped to Numbers and Words - to Ten Thousands and Tenths.