
Patterns and Sums - Intro

This math unit progresses through various number-related skills, beginning with understanding the ones digit in numbers with small and large exponents, emphasizing cyclical patterns and properties of exponents. The focus then shifts to summing series of integers from 1 to N using different approaches like direct addition, formulas, and summation notation, reinforcing arithmetic series and their applications. Progression continues with understanding geometric and arithmetic sequences, identifying missing terms, specific terms, and leveraging this understanding to calculate sums and sequence rules. Ultimately, the unit advances to combining these foundational skills in more complex contexts, such as performing operations with exponentiated numbers and their products, further refining the learners’ abilities to recognize, interpret, and manipulate various number patterns and sequence rules, culminating in a deeper comprehension of arithmetic and exponential relationships.

Patterns and Sums - Intro

Test your mastery by completing 20 questions!

Find the ones digit of this number
