Scientific Notation - Multiplication and Division - Intro

This math unit begins by developing students’ understanding of multiplication in scientific notation, starting with problems that include multiplying normalized numbers projected in zero decimal places up to handling numbers with one decimal place. As students progress, they engage in more complex multiplications involving decimals and different powers of ten within the scientific notation framework. The unit transitions into division, initially focusing on dividing large numbers by powers of ten and then diving deep into dividing numbers in scientific notation, with zero decimal places and normalized formats. Throughout, the exercises emphasize manipulation and understanding of powers of ten, both in multiplication and division, enhancing proficiency in handling very large or very small numbers efficiently. The comprehensive approach from basic to more intricate problems helps solidify students’ grasp of scientific notation in both contexts, crucial for their mathematical development.

Scientific Notation - Multiplication and Division - Intro

Test your mastery by completing 20 questions!

Solve the equation by multiplying scientific notation numbers

(1×105)×(4×104)(1\times 10^{5}) \times (4\times 10^{4})