
Ten Groups - Adding

This math unit begins with basic counting and addition skills involving numbers less than 20, using visual aids to reinforce grouping concepts. As students progress, they transition to addition without carry using base 10 blocks for tangible numerical representation, initially focusing on tens and ones. The complexity increases as carrying is introduced, enhancing students' ability to handle larger sums within tens and ones. Further progression includes adding numbers using base 10 blocks at the hundreds and thousands levels, both with and without carrying over, fostering a deeper understanding of place value and carrying processes. Lastly, students learn to solve picture-based addition problems and convert visual block representations into numerical expressions or answers, covering sums up to the thousands. This sequential development builds a robust foundation in addition, emphasizing visual understanding and translation of abstract numeric concepts into concrete problem-solving skills.

Ten Groups - Adding

Test your mastery by completing 20 questions!

Find the total number of red triangles when you add the 1 at the bottom